
Cancer Has a Sweet Tooth!

Cancer Has a Sweet Tooth! about undefined
"Your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, which may indicate you're pre-diabetic…"

This is the unwelcome news that millions of Americans have received. High or unbalanced blood sugar is a national epidemic. But the news about high blood sugar is even worse than you thought, with new research pointing to a cancer link. Keep reading...Continued below. . .

Poof! 20 million cancer cells--GONE

    Wake Forest University researchers simply called him "Mighty Mouse."

Imagine, after being injected with 20 million of the most vicious cancer cells on earth, this tiny creature never showed a single sign of the disease.

There wasn't a single trace of cancer in the mouse.

Buried deep in its genes was a stunning natural ability to beat cancer. Not only that, but all of Mighty Mouse's offspring had this unbelievable power as well.

And now, as you're about to see, one world-renowned M.D. has discovered a way you can do it too. This is the most promising cancer breakthrough in the past 150 years...and it's shockingly easy.

Please don't miss this lifesaving special presentation.

The word is out! Already-this breakthrough video has been sent to over 2 million people (and counting). THIS is your chance to see the original source before hearing about it second-hand. You don't want to miss this.
Excess sugar in your body not only leads to an early death — the years before you check out aren't so great, either. For example, high blood sugar levels can:
  • Ruin your precious eyesight—consistently high blood sugar levels can cause blood vessels in your retina to swell and burst, which ultimately blocks blood flow
  • Damage your nerves—blood sugar disorders can cause pain and sensory loss that can lead to limb amputations
  • Cause kidney problems—excess blood sugar can clog your kidney filters, making it hard to eliminate wastes in your blood
  • Lead to heart disease and strokes—people with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop heart disease
  • Impair your immune system—people with blood sugar disorders are more prone to colds and flu… bacterial infections… and yeast infections…
    As if that list isn't frightening enough, researchers have determined that excess blood sugar can play a role in developing cancer, too! It's now well-known that diabetes and cancer are linked. We've written about it before. But today's big news is different, and more ominous: mild high blood sugar ALSO puts you at higher risk of cancer. You don't have to be anywhere near diabetic levels to be in danger.

Who's at risk? A staggering number of people.

    According to the American Diabetes Association, more than 79 million Americans are considered to have pre-diabetes. And considering these are the organization's 2011 statistics—the number has surely climbed since then.

The term pre-diabetic refers to anyone with blood glucose levels that are higher than normal—but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. The authorities could just as well call these same people " precancerous" or "pre-heart-diseased." These aren't separate illnesses. They're all one, big, unhappy illness. But let's focus on cancer for now. . .

Here's what scientists have found…

    The first connection between cancer and sugar was identified in 1931 by Nobel laureate Otto Warburg, Ph.D. He found that cancer cells have a different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells. His Nobel-winning theory centered around the idea that malignant tumors use glucose — the sugar normally found in the blood -- as fuel.

Since then, other scientists have reached similar conclusions. For example, a Swedish study published in the March 2007 issue of Diabetes Care found that men and women with the highest blood sugar levels were more likely to have pancreatic cancer, urinary tract cancer, and malignant melanoma than participants with lower blood sugar.

And there are many other studies that demonstrate a similar connection. For example:
  • A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that higher fasting blood glucose levels were associated with an increase in cancer incidence and cancer deaths. The study examined 10 years of data from nearly 1.3 million Korean men and women between the ages of 30 and 95. Overall, those with fasting glucose levels above 140 mg/dl had a 29 percent higher risk of dying from cancer!
  • In a study published in the Biophysical Journal, researchers examined both the fasting blood glucose levels of 10 healthy people and their neutrophil levels as an indication of how well their immune systems performed when it came to destroying foreign invaders. They found that eating 100 grams of carbohydrates from glucose, sucrose, honey and orange juice significantly decreased the ability of neutrophils to devour bacteria!
  • A four-year study at the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection in the Netherlands compared 111 biliary tract cancer patients with 480 controls. Cancer risk associated with the intake of sugars was more twice as high for the cancer patients!
Clearly there's a connection between sugar intake and abnormal cell growth. And even though sweets are a culprit, let's make it clear that…

All sugars are NOT created equal!

    Sugar is a simple form of carbohydrate. But as you may know—all carbohydrates are NOT the same...

Some carbohydrates can make your blood sugar spike. These are called high-glycemic load (HGL) foods.

Other carbs barely affect your blood sugar. These are called low-glycemic (LGL) foods.

Highly refined sugars are the least healthy… have the fewest nutrients… and are the ones your bloodstream absorbs most rapidly.

Sugars on the following list have a high glycemic index and trigger surges in your bloodstream:
  • Brown Sugar: sucrose crystals from molasses syrup
  • Confectioner's Sugar: powdered sugar
  • Dextrose: made from cornstarch
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup: a highly refined sugar source
  • Invert sugar: a combination of glucose and fructose
  • Sucrose: white table sugar
  • Fructose (levulose )—found in many foods in combination with glucose and galactose such as: honey, tree fruits, berries, melons; beets, sweet potatoes, parsnips and onions; is associated with fiber and nutrients if eaten in the form of whole fruit
There are some healthier sugars and sweeteners which contain some nutrients—but still have a high glycemic index. These include:
  • Agave nectar—made from a cactus-like plant in Mexico
  • Date or Kiwi Sugar—made from dehydrated ground dates or kiwis
  • Fruit Juice Concentrate—made from the remaining sugar from apples, minus most of its fiber, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
  • Grade B maple syrup (unrefined)—from maple tree sap; the syrup still contains some vitamins and minerals
  • Rapadura—pure dried sugarcane juice, similar to sucanat
  • Raw Honey—made by bees and typically only sold in health food stores; raw honey still contains minerals and vitamins
  • Rice Syrup—made from rice and sprouted grains; maltose is the main form of sugar
  • Sucanat—non-refined cane sugar that has not had the molasses removed; it contains nine minerals and six vitamins as it is only minimally processed
  • Turbinado—raw sugar cane juice that has been dehydrated, colored and crystallized; it should be considered a partially refined sugar
  • Unsulphured molasses—made from the juice of sun-ripened cane, containing high levels of calcium, iron and potassium; blackstrap molasses is the residue of the cane syrup after the sugar crystals have been separated
This longer, second list of sugars is more likely to be associated with nutrients — vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and so forth. But for the most part they still aren't healthy because of the high sugar content. They should be eaten in moderation -- and generally not at all by people who have cancer or diabetes.

One of the best things you can do to protect your health is limit the amount of HGL foods that cause blood sugar spikes.

This may not guarantee that you'll never face problems with cancer… but at least you'll know you did your part to starve cancer's sweet tooth!

In the last issue, I revealed a priceless cancer secret that more than a hundred thousand people have paid to obtain. If you missed it, scroll down and read it now.

From college chemistry experiment...
to awesome anti-cancer treatment!

    As a Cancer Defeated subscriber, you may have seen our offer featuring the headline "Non-toxic liquid kills cancer cells." We don't reveal the name of the liquid in our advertising. You have to purchase the book.

Now, quite a few people think everything should be free, and they get angry that they have to purchase the book to find out the name and all the details of this remarkable cancer treatment.

For them, this is their lucky day. I'm going to reveal the name of this treatment, which may be the most effective cancer treatment discovered so far...Continued below. . .

Drink This and Cancer
Comes Pouring Out of Your Body

    "If I could pick only one treatment to cure my cancer, this would be it," says a top expert on alternative cancer treatments.

Research conducted by a scientist at the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research showed this is one of the world's most powerful cancer cures. Even the mainstream National Cancer Institute confirmed that this do-it-yourself treatment kills cancer cells. Then they buried the research.

Personally, I've been writing about cancer treatments for almost seven years. Out of nearly 400 that I've investigated, I haven't found an at-home treatment that's better.

It worked for Robert, age 54, who had late stage stomach cancer. His doctors told him he didn't have chance. The most they could do was buy him a little time, using four aggressive chemotherapy drugs PLUS radiation — a deadly, toxic, last-ditch treatment.

INSTEAD Robert used this non-toxic liquid and was completely cancer-free within months. The amazed doctor was forced to admit Robert's cancer was "in remission." Two years later, he was still cancer-free.Click here and watch an important video presentation about this discovery.
You might recall either being forced to take a high school or college chemistry class... or conducting mini-experiments in your room with one of those home chemistry sets for kids.

The latter was the case for a young man named Jim Sheridan, who discovered his fondness for the subject in the early 1930s as a freshman at Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, PA.

Jim liked chemistry so much—he even DREAMED about chemical formulas while he slept. What he didn't realize was that one of his dreams would become the basis for a groundbreaking anti-cancer formula.

One of Jim's college chemistry experiments demonstrated that a change in oxidation levels of a liquid would also change its colors.

When he performed a simple action to prove this, he was amazed to find that the result was a rainbow effect of colors in perfectly equal proportion.

He learned that this "rhythmic banding" effect was tied to the Debye-Hückel theory about changing energy flow and production in cell respiration. He was surprised to find that it also related to the chemical formula he'd dreamed about.

Sheridan suspected that altering the energy flow pathway to block energy production in certain types of cells could either cause or cure cancers.

While working as a chemist for Dow Chemical and later as a patent attorney, Sheridan also performed animal studies to test his theory with a formula he was perfecting.

Surely he was encouraged when he began to see 70 to 80 percent cure rates in the mice cancers he was treating!

He eventually patented a formula in 1983 called Entelev®, which was renamed Protocel® in 2000 when it became available for sale as a dietary supplement.

So you're probably wondering how Jim's formula works?

Protocel® forces cancer cells to clean up their act!

    Cancer cells are anaerobic — meaning they thrive in an oxygen-free environment. Instead of creating energy through the use of oxygen like normal, healthy cells, these abnormal cells create energy by fermenting glucose.

Sheridan's formula reduces the "voltage" in these cells to the point where they lack the energy they need to grow.

Instead, the cancer cell membranes burst… the insides of the cells break down into harmless proteins… and the body simply flushes away the waste material.

In contrast to conventional chemotherapy, Protocel® does NO harm to healthy cells. You see, normal cells have a high enough voltage that slightly lowering it through Protocel® does not damage them.

And best of all—there are no painful injections to endure… no harmful radiation exposure… no uncomfortable enema preparations… and no horse pills to swallow…

Protocel® is a liquid formula you can simply drink four or five times a day in water. Your body will do the rest of the work to eliminate the mucus-like cancer waste products.

So if you're wondering why a non-toxic, natural cancer killer has never been presented as an accepted cancer treatment—look no farther than the mainstream medical establishment…

Big Brother is ALWAYS watching…

    The suppression of Sheridan's formula started when his employer, the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research, decided to start clinical trials for the Entelev® formula he'd created.

The Institute formed a committee to interview the experts conducting the animal tests. After reviewing the results and concluding that a clinical trial was warranted—the Institute director told the American Cancer Society (ACS) about the product.

The ACS requested an immediate meeting in New York City with the director and the Dean of Medicine at Wayne University, who served on the trial review committee.

The two men returned to Detroit with the unpleasant news that the ACS refused to approve clinical tests, stating that Mr. Sheridan did not prove that he owned the rights to the formula.

To add insult to injury—Sheridan was subsequently fired from the Institute and all of the research he performed there was destroyed!

The Entelev® formula faced similar blocking tactics from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who either:
  • Refused to correctly perform animal tests on the product, or
  • Blocked laboratory tests to determine toxicity levels—a step required before a product can receive FDA approval
One fortunate break came when Sheridan teamed up with an engineer and businessman named Ed Sopcak.

Sopcak was convinced that this non-toxic formula was a godsend for cancer victims and committed to mass producing and shipping it FREE to anyone who requested it.

Sopcak changed the product name to Cancell® and gave away about 20,000 bottles. And despite the glowing testimonies from cancer patients who were getting well—the FDA managed to slap an injunction on Sopcak to prevent him from even giving it away!

Believe it or not, the story does have a happy ending…

In 1999, Sheridan's family patented his formula under the name Protocel® and managed to get the required toxicity tests performed.

They are now able to market Sheridan's original formula as a general health supplement.

Although they make no claims about the product being a cancer treatment—many people are aware of its early development as such, thanks very largely to a researcher and writer named Tanya Harter Pierce. Her best-selling book Outsmart Your Cancer is the most reliable source of information about Protocel. Because the actual makers of Protocel aren't allowed to claim it's useful for treating cancer, in my view it's essential to read the book.

Protocel is a superb anti-viral formula that many people have used to treat a host of diseases and disorders including:
  • AIDS
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome (from viruses)
  • Colds and flu
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Herpes
  • Lupus
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • And much more!
So how can you get your hands on it? Well, the official Protocel® website lists three distributors in Michigan, Ohio and South Carolina that you can contact to place an order. But frankly, I recommend you read Outsmart Your Cancer first and follow Tanya Harter Pierce's recommendations.

Like most alternative cancer treatments, Protocel works wonderfully for some people and fails for others. The rate of success is remarkable. According to Pierce, it's the highest of any treatment she's studied (and she knows more about alternative cancer treatments than almost anyone else I've met.) But success is not guaranteed.

While taking Protocel, it's necessary to stop taking most vitamins and antioxidants. That, of course, is hazardous for a cancer patient. So I tell people that if they don't experience healing after a trial period, they should try other treatments. Fortunately, there are clear signals whether Protocel is working or not. You don't have to guess. The book explains it all, and I recommend you read it.

Perhaps you'll find that the results of Sheridan's early chemistry experiments will be a boon for your health and well-being! Like Us on Facebook Kindest regards,Lee Euler, Publisher
Resources from 1st article:Alternative Medicine Research Foundation. 2013. On the link between sugar consumption and cancer. Retrieved from, M. 2007. High blood sugar linked to cancer risk. WebMD article. Retrieved from Kummer, U. et al. 2007. Elevated glucose concentrations promote receptor-independent activation of adherent human neutrophils: An experimental and computational approach. Biophys J. 2007 April 1; 92(7): 2597-2607. Retrieved from Life Extension. 2005, Jan. 13. Study finds blood sugar levels linked to cancer and death risk. Retrieved from Nemec, K. 2012. As blood sugar increases, so does cancer risk. Total Health Institute. Retrieved from from 2nd article: Annie Appleseed Project. 2012. Cancell®/Cantron/Protocel®/Entelev® factsheet. Available at Hurt, R. 2012. Cancell/Entelev/Cantron. Curezone knowledgebase. Available at,92,634&q=72 Pierce, T.H. 2009. Outsmart Your Cancer. Thoughtworks Publishing.

Protocel Alternative Cancer Treatment website. 2012. Available at Sheridan, D. et al. 2012. Entelev-the Sheridan story. Available at

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