
How to Achieve “Spontaneous Remission”

How to Achieve “Spontaneous Remission” about undefined

By Andrew Scholberg, Author of German Cancer Breakthrough and
co-author of The Amish Cancer Secret and America's Best Cancer Doctors

(This is the first of three articles about the 2015 Annie Appleseed cancer conference in West Palm Beach, Florida.)

The Annie Appleseed cancer conference is one of the most valuable events on my calendar. A visit to this exclusive meeting almost always yields a path-breaking new way to beat cancer, and this year was no exception.

One of the most interesting presentations was by a young author, Kelly Turner, who earned her Ph.D. by studying cancer cases that resulted in spontaneous remission. The American Cancer Society funded her research, in which she analyzed about 1,500 cases and interviewed more than 100 alternative healers.

Her book, Radical Remissions: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, came out last year and is now available in 15 languages.

Ms. Turner painstakingly interviewed the spontaneous remission patients and asked them open-ended questions about what they did to make the disease literally disappear. What’s most valuable for cancer patients is that Ms. Turner identified nine key factors that just about all of the “spontaneous remission” cancer patients had in common.

Cancer patients who apply these nine factors in their own lives and treatment plans could tip the scales in favor of beating the disease. . .

Continued below…

The Amish Cancer SecretHow to cure just about any cancer the Amish way

Is it possible to cure just about any cancer the Amish way? Is it true that many Amish people easily get rid of cancer in just three or four weeks? Are the Amish onto something BIG?

To find out, I interviewed Jakob and Fannie, a young Amish couple from southern Minnesota. Jakob and Fannie are just two out of roughly 800 Amish people each year who travel 2,000 miles by train to go to a little-known cancer clinic.

They told me an amazing, lifesaving tip that everyone should know. . .but almost nobody does.

Click here and I’ll share it with you, absolutely FREE.

Three Foundational Factors for Cancer Survival

The first three factors are the foundation. Once these three are in place, applying the other six will be easier, Ms. Turner said.

Factor #1: Having a strong reason for living. Some of the spontaneous remission cancer patients weren’t afraid of death. Some of them were. But even the ones who were afraid of death were really excited to stay on this planet because they still had things to do.

That’s a lot different from being afraid of death and fighting against cancer because you’re scared, Turner said. She found that depressed cancer patients die sooner, but depressed cancer patients who get counseling live longer.

One cancer patient, a young man named Glen, was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia just after he got married. He told his doctor, “I just got married. I want to have kids. I’m just starting my career, which I’m excited about. Don’t tell me this is going to kill me because it’s not.”

Ms. Turner urges cancer patients to ask themselves, “What are my strongest reasons for living at this moment?”

Factor #2: Taking control of your health. Turner described a patient whose doctor had suggested “watchful waiting.” The patient replied, “Watchful waiting? I’m not going to watch. I’m not going to wait for something bad to happen. I’m going to take action!”

Ms. Turner recommends being an active “bad” patient (a patient who isn’t afraid to question the doctor). As she put it, “You want a doctor who welcomes a healthy debate and isn’t afraid to look at evidence for holistic treatment. Helpless patients have a 60% greater chance of dying than those who don’t feel helpless.” One cancer patient was healed after seeking help from a qigong master and became one herself to help others.

Taking control of your health involves doing your own medical research, and Turner gave a valuable tip for doing this research. If you log onto the website, you will enjoy access to a Google-like search engine for professional medical journals. For example, you can enter “cancer and meditation” into the search engine and see a listing of medical articles about the subject.

Factor #3: Embracing social support. Love from friends and family helps cancer go away. So does the love from a pet. Receiving love and support requires a different skill than giving it. The cancer patient needs to learn how to accept help.

Ms. Turner described a community in Sicily that has communal dinners. They eat lots of meat and cheese, drink plenty of red wine, and smoke cigars. Yet they live to about the age of 100 in good health. Turner said the social support keeps their immune system super, super strong.

Ms. Turner urged cancer patients to perform an exercise in “social support” by asking someone for help this week. Some may find it difficult to ask for help, but the social benefits of receiving help are significant.

The other six factors are physical.

Factor #4: Radically change your eating plan. Avoid meat, wheat, sweets, and dairy products because they’re inflammatory. Ms. Turner urges cancer patients to replace the inflammatory foods with vegetables and fruit. “If you remember nothing else today, make sure half of your plate at every meal is vegetables or fruit,” she said.

Factor #5: Take herbs and supplements. Regarding herbs and supplements, one size doesn’t fit all. The Hawaiians she interviewed drank noni juice. The Japanese ate medicinal mushrooms.

Ms. Turner said supplements are necessary because foods grown in depleted or deficient soil no longer have the same nutritional benefit. She recommended a simple morning detox: drinking water and fresh squeezed lemon juice first thing in the morning will help detox the liver.

Cancer patients may “hear a voice”

Factor #6: Trust your intuition. Ms. Turner said your intuition may be located in the brain or in the gut. Among the patients she interviewed, some said they “heard a voice.”

I know that’s true because one of my relatives told me about such an experience. He said that in the midst of his chemo misery he prayed to God from the bottom of his heart to take away his cancer. He told me, “I heard a voice. The voice said, ‘Stop all treatment.’” He heeded the voice and stopped the treatment, which deeply offended his cancer doctor. He lived several more years with an excellent quality of life!

Ms. Turner described another patient who “heard a voice.” The voice told him, “You have to move!” He had a strong gut feeling that he should heed the voice, so he moved. He later learned that the house he’d lived in for 20 years was jam-packed with toxic black mold behind the walls. The moldy house had been killing him.

Factor #7: Release suppressed emotions. Illness equals blockage, said Ms. Turner. Get rid of anything that doesn’t belong in your body, especially severe stress. Relieving stress will increase the natural killer cells you need to beat cancer.

She recommended “shaking qigong” as a simple, stimulating, and effective exercise to relieve stress, and she encouraged cancer patients to Google “shaking qigong.” I Googled it, and three YouTube videos popped up.

Factor #8: Increase positive emotions. This is crucial, Ms. Turner said. It requires daily practice. It’s not necessary to feel happy all the time, but laughter is important.

Factor #9: Deepen your spiritual connection. This can be accomplished by different methods, such as prayer, meditation, or even gardening. The cancer patient should do whatever is necessary to get into such a deeply peaceful state that it feels as if you’re breathing peace with each breath.

This meditative state, which produces theta brain waves, a slow heartbeat, and an “empty” mind, can actually turn off cancer-causing genes, Ms. Turner said. She added that it’s possible to turn off harmful genes in six to 12 weeks by positive behavior, such as the act of forgiving others.

Part Two of our conference report next week: “The liver is always involved in cancer.”

Meanwhile, in our last issue we covered another useful way to avoid or battle cancer: Get the toxins out of your kitchen (including some you’re not aware of). If you missed the article, you can scroll down and read it now.

Is Your Frying Pan Giving You Cancer?
Lurid Tales of Carcinogens in Your Kitchen

For most of us, the kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s where we gather together to nourish ourselves, and often where we spend the most amount of time.

That’s why it’s important to go the extra mile and make sure toxins and poisons aren’t secretly getting into your body through the things you eat or drink and the tools you use to cook.

If you think the government doesn’t permit the sale of anything unsafe, think again. You may be ingesting toxins from some unlikely sources…

Continued below…

"Shocking Confessions of a
Company Insider"

In this exposé, a top executive of a major pharmaceutical company spills the naked truth about the drugs you and your family take... which drugs heal, and which ones KILL... what doctors turn to when they don't know the cure... what they do when they themselves or their loved ones are stricken with disease or illness... what life-saving resource they insist should be in every home. Watch this must-see video now because your life -- or the life of your loved ones -- may depend on it.

1. Scrap the toxin-heavy pots and pans

It’s a terrible thing to buy healthy food and cook homemade meals for your family only to have your efforts sabotaged by toxic cookware. But that’s exactly what can happen if you cook with nonstick, chemical-heavy surfaces like Teflon.

Just the fumes given off by a hot Teflon-coated pan can give pet birds such strong respiratory reactions they’ll keel over and die (as some unhappy parrot owners found out the hard way). And get this: When Teflon-coated heat lamp bulbs were installed in chicken pens, half the chickens died within a few days.

If a non-stick coating does that to birds, what is it doing to us?

Easy cleanup isn’t worth the risk of inhaling toxic gases, which include PFIB (a chemical warfare agent) and MFA (a gas that kills people at low doses). Plus, Teflon and similar nonstick coatings wear down as time goes by. Some of the chemicals go into the air, others get absorbed right into your food. You know those shiny spots on your skillet where the coating has worn off? You ate it.

It's been alleged that Teflon causes cancer, fertility problems, and other health hazards. And PFOA (perfluororctanoic acid and also known as C8), a key ingredient in Teflon, is also a carcinogen that’s toxic to animals and persists in the environment indefinitely.

Companies like DuPont, manufacturer of PFOA-lined products like Teflon, are working on a “global phaseout” of the stuff. But even if such products are no longer available at stores, most people will have Teflon-lined cookware in their cabinets for years to come.

Clear your kitchen of toxic cookware now and toss anything with a nonstick coating. Instead, fill your cabinets with stainless steel pots and pans (including copper or aluminum pans, as long as they’re lined with steel). I also recommend enameled or well-seasoned cast iron and porcelain cookware.

2. Splurge on organic, but not all the time

Sales of organic products have been climbing for years – and with good reason. It’s not a fad. There really are confirmed benefits to eating food grown without pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers. Pesticide residue lurks in all kinds of conventionally-grown foods, even after you take the time to wash them.

Problem is, you’ll pay a higher price if you buy only organic fruits and vegetables. Last time I checked, it was around 24 cents more per pound. Organic milk is almost twice the cost of regular milk.

And according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, organic fruits and vegetables differ very little in nutritional value from conventionally grown produce. I question their finding, but no matter. It’s not about the nutrition level, folks. Or even the flavor, since many people say they can’t taste a difference between organic and conventional foods. It’s about keeping toxic additives out of your body.

I’m a big believer in buying organic food whenever possible. But if you’re looking to cut costs and still eat healthy, at least follow the guidelines published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) annual report of the cleanest and dirtiest fruits and vegetables. The edible portions of some produce have pretty modest amounts of pesticide residue, while other types of produce retain heavier-than-normal levels of pesticides.

Here’s the list of which types of produce you should always buy organic, and which are okay if bought conventionally:

Dirty Foods:
Buy Organic
Clean Foods:
Ordinary Produce is Okay
BlueberriesSweet Peas
ApplesSweet Corn
CelerySweet Potato
Bell PepperCantaloupe
Kale and Collard GreensMango
PotatoesKiwi Fruit

I want to add that if you’re working on beating cancer with alternative health methods, I recommend going 100% organic. If you’re healthy and your goal is to prevent cancer, you can gain a lot of benefits from a diet that’s maybe 80% organic. Either way, every step counts. It’s better to eat half organic, half conventional, than to eat 100% conventional.

3. Filter, filter, filter.

It may have been done with the best of intentions, but government-mandated additives in your water supply are probably causing more problems than benefits.

Fluoride is a top offender. Initially touted as a way to prevent tooth decay, this chemical is added to 70% of tap water in the United States. But fluoride – a toxin – isn’t meant to be ingested. It accumulates in your body over time and has been linked to osteoporosis, birth defects, and disruption to your endocrine system, especially in the thyroid.

And fluoride isn’t the only potentially toxic waste product that makes its way into your water supply. Outdated water filtration systems, treatment processes, and source water contaminants may be leeching chemicals and metals into your drinking water without you knowing it.

To avoid these risks, either install a reverse osmosis water filter in your home, or buy filtered water – just make sure you verify that it’s fluoride-free.

4. Scrap this potentially poisonous color habit.

Walk by any baked foods department in the grocery store and you’ll see a rainbow of colors in the icing, cookies, and cakes section – especially if there’s a holiday coming up (have you seen those black and orange-iced cupcakes for Halloween? Or the electric green icing for St. Patrick’s Day?)

Dyes are used to make our foods look more attractive, but what they really do is make our foods poisonous. Worst of all, the most colorful baked goods – like cakes with vividly colored Spidermans and princesses – are meant for kids, who are more vulnerable than adults when it comes to toxic loads!

The dye Red 3 has actually been identified as a carcinogen by the FDA, but is still used commercially. Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 are also contaminated with cancer-causing agents. Blue No. 1 and Green No. 3 are no better. And even those colorings considered “natural” contain potential carcinogens. Two of the four types of caramel color contain something called 4-MeI, which poses a small cancer risk.

The easy answer is to read labels and stay away from anything with food colorings and dyes. If you want to color your food, turn to safe alternatives like blueberry juice concentrate, carrot juice, paprika, grape skin extract, beet juice, purple sweet potato, corn, and red cabbage.

5. Line your cupboards with these power foods.

Even while the toxic loads in our soil and water systems are increasing, so is our knowledge about the powerful nutritional options we enjoy as part of modern living. Pack your cupboards with these two cancer-fighting, nutritional dynamos:

  • Chia seeds. Bursting with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, they help lower your risk of heart disease and play a role in cancer prevention. Sprinkle them on everything from salads to frozen yogurt.
  • Cinnamon. Recently called “one of Mother Nature’s cancer-fighting superfoods,” cinnamon helps balance blood sugar levels. And since high blood sugar levels are often found in those who suffer pancreatic cancer, urinary tract cancer, and malignant melanoma, there’s good reason to keep them in check. Cinnamon also appears to halt cancer growth. Eat a half-teaspoon daily. Sprinkle it on your toast, cereal, yogurt, or smoothie – whatever. Make it a habit.

6. Kick the sugar addition.

I know what you’re thinking – easier said than done. But when you consider the significant threats sugar introduces to your body, from weight gain to insulin problems, and add to it the fact that sugar feeds cancer… it’s worth taking up the challenge. If you want to avoid OR treat cancer, giving up sugar may be the best single thing you can do. Here are a few simple changes you can make to everyday meals:

  • Replace syrup with fruit sauce. Syrup feels like a must with some of our breakfast foods, but unfortunately it comes with a heavy sugar load and the added risk of carcinogens from the caramel food coloring (if you don’t eat real maple syrup). Take five minutes to simmer berries or bananas, possibly with a teaspoon of cinnamon for flavor and corn starch to thicken the sauce, and you get a flavorful, healthy topping for your pancakes and waffles.
  • Choose natural soda over cola – if you MUST have soda. Dark-colored soda pops are offenders of the same breed as syrup – heavy on sugar with potentially toxic food coloring. Natural, clear sodas have less than half the sugar and no food coloring. Better yet, get your own soda water maker and squeeze in fresh fruit juice to satisfy your soda craving.
  • Use stevia as your sugar substitute. When you have to eat something sweet, stevia is the best option. It’s better than all the artificial sweeteners out there, and better for your body than pure sugar. I recommend growing your own and crumbling the leaves for a sweetening effect. If you buy it, just make sure to get 100% pure stevia extract with no added ingredients.

These steps may sound small, but they all add up to a strong defense against cancer – not to mention feeling better and healthier on a daily basis!

Kindest regards,

Lee Euler,


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