
The “Cancer Vaccine” is Here

The “Cancer Vaccine” is Here about undefined

Two years ago, I wrote you about the FDA-approved “cancer vaccine” (see Issue #148). It’s an immunotherapy treatment that starts with taking dendritic cells from your own body and then using them to energize your immune system and attack cancer cells.

Cancer researchers have been interested in this idea for decades – and variations of the idea are already used in some alternative clinics -- but only recently did the cancer vaccine concept start making real progress in mainstream medicine. The so-called dendritic cell vaccine has since been described as a newly emerging but potent form of immune therapy for cancer treatment.

The results to date are promising. Even stage IV cancer patients who have failed all other therapies have enjoyed complete responses to this therapy. The best part is that dendritic cell-based vaccines and anti-tumor immune response research could bring about life-long protection against cancer coming back. Here’s how you can take advantage now. . .

Continued below…

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This is the best approach I’ve come across to combine the body’s own natural healing system with medical technology, so I want to update you on where things stand.

How dendritic cell therapy works

Dendritic cells are found in tissues and parts of the body that have contact with the outside environment. That includes your skin, lungs, stomach, and the lining of your nose (the respiratory organs interface with the outside world by taking in air). Dendritic cells are in your blood, too, but in an undeveloped form.

The whole point of these cells is to attack foreign antigens. Think of them as a messenger service that lets your immune system know when a threat has entered your body. Dendritic cells tell your immune system’s T cells there’s trouble brewing. Once your killer T cells know to look for danger, they start patrolling your body to hunt down the foreign invaders.

There’s only one problem with these cells. You don’t automatically have enough of them in your body to protect you against cancer. So the idea behind the dendritic cell vaccine is to take a patient’s dendritic cells and jumpstart their development by exposing them to immune cell stimulants. Then those same dendritic cells are exposed to antigens from the patient’s cancer cells. This is like telling them exactly which “criminal” antigen to target.

Next, the dendritic cell-antigen combinations are injected back into the patient so they can program the T cells to attack.

Thanks to this method, dendritic cells have come to be known as the most potent antigen-presenting cells out there. Many hundreds of papers and research studies have been published in the medical literature on dendritic cell vaccines, and their effectiveness has been established by a multitude of clinical trials. Fortunately for all of us, their use as cancer vaccines is on the increase, as is research into how to make them more effective.

Why this approach might treat advanced cancer and prevent cancer

The good news is the FDA recently approved the first dendritic cell therapy, called Provenge. A few alternative cancer clinics have used their own form of dendritic cell therapy for years, but FDA approval means it may now be available from mainstream oncologists.

Better late than never.

And there have been some cases of spectacular tumor regression for patients using this therapy – particularly those with melanoma. Regardless, there are some bottlenecks yet to be solved in terms of getting the most meaningful therapeutic response.

Clinical trials so far show that dendritic cells vaccines are safe and bring about a decent immunological response in most patients. But there have only been a few complete tumor remissions.

Part of the challenge in putting together an effective dendritic cell vaccine is making sure it has the ability to efficiently migrate to a patient’s lymph nodes. It also needs to stay stable following the infusion, and must present the antigen for a long enough period of time to get a decent, tumor-eliminating T cell response.

The challenge at this point is not knowing how dendritic cells fare after being infused into a patient. Scientists are working to improve the stability of dendritic cells post-infusion. Once they figure that out, this approach could effectively treat advanced, previously untreatable cancer. It could also thwart any future cancer from developing.

On the other hand, some dendritic cell vaccine researchers don’t see the need for a complete elimination of tumor cells in cancer patients. Instead, they’re working to find a way to control the cancer at a low level through the immune system. It’s a similar approach to the way your immune system keeps the herpes virus under wraps, rather than getting rid of it completely. The virus only reemerges from its hideout, often in the form of cold sores, when the immune system is overwhelmed fighting other invaders.

If the dendritic cell vaccine can be made to work the same way, a patient wouldn’t completely get rid of a tumor. Instead, tumor cells would be controlled at a low level, thus transforming acute cancer into something that’s chronic and treatable.

Activartis Biotech is working on just such a “tailored” anti-tumor immune response that keeps a tumor’s growth under control by using the patient’s own tumor tissue to prompt the response. Their efforts are focused on brain cancer, but because their vaccine triggers a tailored immune response, perhaps something like it can be used to fight all types of cancer.

Prepare for a whole new generation
of “cancer vaccines”

I’m happy to see this treatment has only grown more effective and promising. It’s not even the only vaccine-based approach to treating cancer. Just the past two years have seen significant development in these types of cancer therapies, thanks largely to a new appreciation for just how powerful your T cells are at killing tumors.

Dendritic cell therapy currently costs up to $5,000 per treatment. If you don’t have insurance or if your insurance doesn’t cover the therapy, you may be able to enroll in a clinical trial. I recommend looking at Raymond Chang, MD’s, website, Dendritic Cell Therapy for Cancer: for a list of current trials.

Any other cancer treatment that’s called a “vaccine” essentially tries to do the same thing your dendritic cells do. Meaning, those vaccines work to activate your immune system, usually by injecting antigens into your body. You should note – these cancer vaccines are not like the polio or smallpox vaccines -- they are not “real” vaccines administered to healthy people to prevent cancer. They are ways of training the immune system to recognize and kill cancer cells.

The future of this approach looks good, and Cancer Defeated will keep you posted.

Meanwhile, there’s something you should absolutely do if you have cancer – or any number of other “mystery health problems” that you can’t solve. If you missed this important news, scroll down and take a look now.

How Botched-Up Dental
Work Gives You Cancer

Getting all the mercury amalgam fillings removed from your teeth is one of the easy no-brainers when it comes improving your health. Mercury is an obvious, clear-cut toxin. Only our dysfunctional medical-government complex could manage to pretend that mercury fillings are safe.

Continued below...

The Invisible "TOXIC TRIGGER" for
Cancer and Arthritis. . .
. . .that no drug or
supplement can stop!

It doesn't matter how careful you are about your diet, lifestyle and supplements — you may still be racked with illness if your dental work harbors poisons and infections. On the other hand…

Patients have tossed their wheelchairs, junked their medicines, reversed "hopeless" cancer -- and more -- just by getting rid of the secret poison in their mouths.

It's an absolute, proven fact that mystery ailments like fatigue, diabetes, even blindness can disappear when you eliminate this hidden trigger for disease.

But picking the right "biological dentist" is not easy. A lot of unqualified and half-qualified dentists are now claiming to be "mercury-free." They can do you a great deal of harm. The process of removing old fillings and root canals can release so much toxic material, you're better off leaving it alone than going to the wrong dentist. You need to know who are the top experts in the field and how to reach them. We can help.

Now Cancer Defeated publishes a compact 55-page Special Report to give you all the resources you need to get rid of root canals, mercury amalgam fillings and cavitations. This report will put you on your way to healing cancer AND avoiding it.

Click here and keep reading!

In the Alice in Wonderland world of government regulation, discarded mercury fillings are classified as toxic waste. Dentists must follow strict regulations for how they handle mercury fillings before they put them in patients' mouths and after they take them out. If they don't follow the regulations, dentists can be fined for contaminating the workplace and the environment.

But as long as the filling is in your mouth, mercury is perfectly safe, according to the government of the United States and the "scientists" it has put in charge of your health.

In Sweden, the government will actually pay half the cost of having your mercury fillings removed! The Swedes figure it saves money for their health system in the long run, compared to treating heart disease, cancer, and arthritis caused by mercury poisoning. Norway, Germany and Austria have all outlawed mercury fillings.

You probably know that mercury fillings are dangerous, but there are a couple of other dental problems I bet you don't know about.

My good friend Bill Henderson, author of Cancer-Free, says, "At least 60% of the cancer patients I deal with have root canal-filled teeth (some as many as 10 or 11 such teeth). There is no question that these teeth cause cancer and many other degenerative conditions. If you have any root canal-filled teeth, you must have them removed immediately by a 'biological' dentist' if you want to recover from your cancer."

Bill Henderson thinks there's a clear correlation between botched dental work and cancer. He says he's known cancer patients to get completely well just by having their teeth fixed, without doing anything else, or at least not much.

While it's easy to figure out you need to have your mercury fillings and root-canaled teeth removed, it's not so easy to figure out who should do it. It's hard for a dentist to safely remove mercury fillings without releasing a large amount of mercury into the mouth and saliva. The patient runs the risk of inhaling mercury-contaminated vapor and swallowing mercury "down the hatch" into the stomach. There's a huge potential to take in more poison by having the fillings removed than by leaving them in place.

Only a small, embattled group of dentists called "biological dentists" have taken the danger of mercury fillings seriously enough to figure out a safe way to remove them. They've developed a protocol and trained other dentists how to do it.

We publish a Special Report called The Secret Poison in Your Mouth: Banish the hidden causes of cancer, heart disease and arthritis, written by M.L. Sarlin. The report gives you all the resources you need to locate a biological dentist who can help you. There's a lot more to it than you'd imagine. It would be a bad idea to surf the internet for a few minutes and pick just anyone who calls himself a "mercury-free" or biological dentist.

I had my own mercury fillings removed about 15 years ago by a dentist who followed the protocol and I've never had any regrets. The safety measures have been greatly refined and improved since then. I think some of the most significant advances have been in the detoxing steps you need to take in the weeks and months following the filling removal.

All the while, biological dentists have been subjected to fierce persecution from the American Dental Association. In some cases they've been denied the right to practice. And in many cases they keep their activities quiet, so you can only find out about them by word of mouth.

My dentist was censured for being critical of mercury. He was only allowed to continue in practice after agreeing to stop teaching patients about mercury's dangers. If a patient comes to him and asks for mercury-free treatments, including filling removal, he'll do it, but he's not allowed to take the initiative and tell patients this should be done.

At the same time, ever greater numbers of patients have started to demand non-mercury fillings (which any dentist can do), so it's become something of a fad for poorly qualified dentists to advertise themselves as "mercury-free".

So, weirdly, the best-qualified dentists are denied the right to practice while regular dentists with no training in the area are able to profit from the new demand for mercury-free dentistry.

A dental problem most people don't know about

While you've probably heard about the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings, and you may have heard the dangers of root canals, there's another dental condition most people don't know about called cavitation.

When dentists extract a tooth, they leave behind a membrane. This membrane can become infected and lead to a hole in the jawbone — called a cavitation. The gum heals over the wound from which the tooth was removed, and the patient thinks everything is just fine, but an infection festers inside the tightly sealed gum and lingers for years, even decades. It releases a steady stream of toxic bacteria into the bloodstream and can lead to a state of chronic inflammation related to arthritis, heart disease and other ailments.

Advocates of the cavitation theory believe the condition is common where wisdom teeth have been removed, although a cavitation can form where any tooth has been removed. If they're right, you could have a nasty, even fatal infection beneath that nub of gum where you used to have a wisdom tooth. Cavitations can also form at the base of root-canaled teeth.

Some doctors call cavitations a "hidden gangrene." In a book entitled The Roots of Disease, Robert Kulacz, D.D.S. and Dr. Thomas Levy write, "In a review of 112 patients who were explored for possible cavitations, it was found that nearly 90% (313 out of 354) of wisdom tooth extraction sites had cavitated."

The dangers of mercury amalgam fillings and root canals are well established. You'll see the evidence if you order your own copy of our new Special Report, The Secret Poison in Your Mouth.

Cavitations are another story. This is a new, controversial theory. I first heard of it just a couple of years ago. I'm bringing it to your attention because I think it's another possible explanation for the "mystery diseases" that mainstream medicine can't explain or treat. I'm learning more and I may eventually seek treatment for the four sites of my long-gone wisdom teeth.

If you decide to take action and have the sites of your wisdom teeth examined and, if necessary, disinfected, most biological dentists won't do it for you. They either haven't bought into the theory or it's too far out and they don't want to invite more problems with the authorities than they already have.

The Secret Poison in Your Mouth will help you find someone to do this work if you choose. The procedure to fix cavitations is somewhat involved — the gum has to be cut open where the wisdom teeth used to be, the region has to be treated, the wound stitched shut, and then you have to return to have the stitches removed.

As often happens with new alternative treatments, there are people who say they've experienced huge improvements in their health, but there's no broad body of evidence to support the treatment. The Special Report provides what information we've been able to gather on the subject. Meanwhile, if you've got mercury amalgam fillings, that's a danger beyond dispute and I urge you to get the report.

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Kindest regards,

Lee Euler,



“Cancer vaccine could use immune system to fight tumors.” The University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center for Science Codex, 27 February 2014.
“Clinical Trials of Dendritic Cell Therapies for Cancer: Biotech's Bumpy Road to the Market.” Presented by Hot Topics in Life Sciences at the New York Academy of Sciences. 28 October 2013.
“Dendritic cell-based nanovaccines for cancer immunotherapy.” By Paulis, L.E., et al. Curr Opin Immunol. 2013 Jun; 25(3):389-95. Epub 2013 Apr 6.
“Dendritic cells (DC): the key to cancer immunotherapy.” 2014 Activartis Biotech GmbH, Retrieved 18 March 2014.
“Dendritic-Cell-Based Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines.” By Karolina Palucka and Jacques Banchereau. Immunity, Volume 39, Issue 1, 38-48, 25 July 2013.
“Introducing Dendritic Cell Therapy.” Slideshow by Edgar Engleman for the Stanford School of Medicine Medcast lecture series, Retrieved 19 March 2014.
“Medigene gambles on dendritic cell cancer vaccines in Trianta buyout.” By John Carroll, Fierc Biotech. 27 January 2014.

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