
The Easiest Way to Eat Enough Healing Veggies Every Day

The Easiest Way to Eat Enough Healing Veggies Every Day about undefined
Nearly every health authority recommends you get five to nine servings of veggies and fruits daily — and they don't consider French fries and pizza to be vegetables (darn!)

But it's a tall order to make fruits and vegetables that big a part of your diet, even if you're serious and disciplined about your health.

How can you pull it off — especially if it involves foods you don't like? Finding a practical way to implement this in your own life can make the difference between being healthy and being sick — and eventually between life and death.

This week we're going to tell you about the easiest and most pleasant way to get your veggies. Keep reading.Continued below. . .

The Secret of Enzymes Plus an Odd Fact:
Most Health Foods are a Waste of Money
By Lee Euler

    You can take vitamins, minerals and antioxidants by the handful and still suffer poor health. Now we know why. Our diets lack a vital food — a type of nutrient that even some alternative doctors don't know about. I'm talking about enzymes.

Thanks to enzyme supplements, a mother's lifelong migraines disappeared, and a man with "terminal" kidney cancer was alive and well 15 years later. In fact, a great many cancer patients beat the disease and are still alive today thanks to enzymes.

Enzymes are a key part of most alternative cancer treatment plans. More important: Even if you're healthy today, taking enzymes is something you can and should do now to prevent not only cancer, but also heart disease, pain and diabetes and many other ailments.

Enzyme supplements are among the top-selling pain-relievers in Germany and they're even used by the German Olympic team. As for us older folks, research indicates that enzymes improve circulation and can outperform blood-clot and blood-thinning drugs. (Good-bye, warfarin!)

They've even helped 9 out of 10 autistic children. A few months back I received a letter from a mother whose 7-year-old autistic son was almost completely cured after she read my Special Report called The Missing Ingredient, and then started giving him enzymes.

This letter came to me out of the blue. The mother wrote, "He has basically been nonverbal until summer 2009, he started talking one day and has never stopped!!" She adds, "The enzymes have kept my 3-year-old son, Noah's eczema AWAY! We are truly blessed, and I believe our Lord led me to you and your book."

How can ONE supplement possibly do all this? Just ask yourself: What if you were getting NO vitamins in your diet? You'd be very sick. This nutrient is just as important, and you're getting almost none, if you're like the typical American. Click here to learn more.
If you're ready to move your health up a notch, you may be ready to start juicing. And it's not nearly as much trouble as you might think.

As you may already know, valuable and sensitive micronutrients are destroyed by the cooking (aka, heating) process. So the more fruits and veggies you can eat in their raw state, the better.

The problem for most people is how to eat enough servings per day. Juicing can make it infinitely easier.

Juicing is just the process of taking fruits and vegetables and squeezing out their juices for consumption, rather than actually eating them straight up. This process is normally done with a juicer, and you can do it with nearly any fruit or vegetable.

It's probably the easiest way to hit your target daily consumption of fruits and veggies.

While you can juice fruits as well as vegetables, I suggest avoiding fruit if you have any issues with weight, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes -- until you normalize these conditions. Then you can indulge a little. Till you've got these problems under control, fruit will tend to make them worse. But take heart: If you follow a healthy diet and also take the right supplements, chances are good you'll fix these conditions, and without the help of drugs.

Lemons and limes are an exception to the warning about fruit, as they're much lower in sugar.

9 reasons to start juicing today

    Freshly juiced veggies or 'green drinks' give your body an instant boost in terms of nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals in very easily digestible form. You can juice with red, yellow and orange vegetables — more on that in a moment — but much of the focus is on green.

Consider these nine reasons to juice:
  1. Green foods contain high amounts of chlorophyll, a very effective detoxifier. It gives you strength, detoxifies your liver, removes mold, parasites, mycotoxins and excitotoxins from your body.Because chlorophyll's structure is similar to the hemoglobin in your blood that transports oxygen, it purifies and rebuilds your blood cells.Finally, chlorophyll can help prevent and remove cancer cells. More on that in a moment…
  2. One of the most profound health benefits of juicing may be cellular cleansing, according to The Sprout Man, Steve Meyerowitz, says that all changes to your health should start at the cellular level. Fresh vegetable juices are hugely important to this internal cleansing.
  3. Fresh raw vegetable juice is extremely alkaline. You want your body to be slightly alkaline, not overly acidic. According to many natural health advocates, an acidic body is a leading underlying cause of disease and illness. (You can buy do-it-yourself saliva and urine pH tests to see how alkaline you are.) While there are pills and potions and expensive water machines that supposedly make your body more alkaline, a proper diet is the most sensible way to do it.
  4. Mentioned earlier, raw vegetable juices and green drinks supply you with excellent vitamins, minerals, enzymes, nutrients, and trace elements required for healing, cell regeneration, and overall wellness. These come embedded in a complex of nutrients, fiber and carbohydrates that's digested and absorbed better — and benefits your body far more — than taking a pill that contains just one nutrient. One thing I've harped on for years is that there are dozens, perhaps thousands, of undiscovered nutrients present in plants. Don't wait years for some supplement company to discover them and put them in pills. Get them now by eating fresh vegetables and fruits.
  5. Many vegetables and their juices contain natural medicines and even natural antibiotics. To cite but one example, the natural hormones and antibiotic substances in cucumber, onion and garlic, radish and tomatoes contribute to a healthy pancreas.
  6. Minerals such as calcium, potassium, and silicon in fresh vegetable juice help your body restore its cellular mineral balance… which in turn prevents premature aging and disease.
  7. Juicing lets you add a wider variety and larger amounts of vegetables to your daily diet than otherwise possible. Most important, it keeps the nutrients alive and absorbable. 16 ounces of juice can equate to several servings.
  8. Some studies have shown that vegetable drinks hit your bloodstream within 30 minutes of consumption, so they're a quick way to flood your body with micronutrients — in a natural, easily used form.
  9. Raw live juices can reverse disease, and have been known to be an effective late-stage cancer treatment. The Gerson Therapy, one of the most famous anticancer protocols, is very largely based on juicing. Many, many other anticancer protocols now imitate Gerson and incorporate juicing into their systems.

Beware of fake juice!

    Of course, there are those who give the name 'juice' to that what is definitely not juice the way real juicers use the term.     When natural health experts talk about "juicing" they're referring to real raw foods complete with their natural pigments, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and nutrients working to bring healing, energy and protection from disease to your body…

They don't recommend packaged juices such as cartons and bottles of 'fresh' orange juice, pasteurized bottles of super fruits, and frozen juice concentrates! If you want to be healthy, you should avoid processed foods.

I'm reminded of the late Steve Jobs, a dedicated vegetarian who drank carrot juice for decades the way most Americans drink cola. Unfortunately, he drank pasteurized, store-bought carrot juice and sacrificed many of the health benefits he would have gotten from fresh-made.

Most prepackaged juices are pasteurized (killing many nutrients), and they're often packed with added sugar, high fructose corn sugar and other sweeteners, plus fillers and other chemicals, then packaged in BPA-lined cans or plastic bottles. BPA is a toxic chemical released by many types of plastic. It's a known carcinogen.

These processed, manufactured products are cranked out weeks or even months before they're consumed and may be shipped across the country or even across the ocean. Not that it matters much if the nutrients have been killed in the factory by pasteurization, a process designed to heat a food until every living thing in it is dead.

Minerals such as magnesium and potassium are about the only nutrients you can be sure will survive all this. When it comes to enzymes, vitamins, other antioxidants and even proteins — good luck.

Processed juices may be healthier than Coke — but I suggest setting a higher standard than Coke.

Once you decide to take on real juicing you may have a few questions about what foods to juice, what juicers to use… and (something people often forget) how to save juice's top nutritional value if you don't drink it right away.

Ready, set, juice… but which foods should you use?

    As I mentioned, you're wise to skip fruits for the most part.

Beyond that, which foods you hear recommended depends on who you talk to — and whether you're trying to starve cancer out of your body, or you're in good health and you want to juice to get even healthier.

Either way, start slowly and let your body get used to this new process. Always listen to your body.

If you're juicing for general health, Dr. Joseph Mercola suggests celery, fennel (anise), and cucumbers are the three easiest vegetables to start with. Though not as rich and dense in nutrients compared to dark leafy options, they are easy to tolerate and digest.

Once you get used to those, you can add these 5:
  • Red and green leaf lettuce
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Endive
  • Escarole
  • Spinach
Step 3, add:
  • Cabbage
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Bok choy
Next, add these two herbal detoxifiers:
  • Parsley
  • Cilantro (please note: some people don't tolerate cilantro well, so start with small amounts and build)
Step 5, add just a single leaf of these, as they are bitter!
  • Kale (baby kale is less bitter, but see note below)
  • Collard greens
  • Dandelion greens
  • Mustard greens (very bitter)
When you buy these greens, get those still attached to their stalk, as they lose nutrients very quickly once removed.

Lastly, for a better taste, especially at the beginning, add any of the following:
  • Lemon/Lime — ¼ to ½ a lemon or lime, with as much of the white rind as possible
  • Cranberries — some sources say they have five times the antioxidants of broccoli, protecting you from cancer, stroke and heart disease
  • Fresh ginger — Warning: a little goes a long ways. This provides quite a 'kick', so start small. Researchers say it prevents atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol, and prevents LDL oxidation.

Juicing as a cancer treatment

    Many people have actually reversed their cancer by changing their diet. A healthy diet provides the tools your body needs to rebuild your immune system and rebalance your cells.If your diet is not fighting cancer, it's fueling it. Or to paraphrase what they used to say back in the Sixties, if the food you eat isn't part of the solution, it's part of the problem.

Unfortunately the typical American diet contains about 95% foods that fuel cancer. Juicing can help you reverse that.

Our friends at suggest that not all fresh fruits and veggies are equal for dealing with cancer.

They consider carrots to be the absolute best for cancer-fighting. Though they note that they can't identify the source, they quote:
In a review of 206 human studies, carrots consistently emerged as one of the top cancer fighting foods. The power of carrots lies in the group of pigments called carotenoids (beta-carotene is among this group), which gave them their orange color.
Therefore they suggest making carrots the core of your anti-cancer juicing protocol… along with cabbage, green asparagus, broccoli, red beets and their beet tops, cauliflower and related veggies. Plus, add peppers and the spice turmeric, which have cancer fighting characteristics.

At least 80 percent of the veggies in your juices should have known cancer fighting characteristics.

One fabulous cancer fighter is wheatgrass juice. The number of ways it fights cancer is nothing short of amazing.

For starters, it contains chlorophyll, with its molecular structure similar to hemoglobin. Chlorophyll boosts hemoglobin production — pushing more oxygen to your cancer. It also contains the cancer fighters, selenium and laetrile.

Plus, wheatgrass is one of the most alkaline foods known to man. It cleanses the lymph system, restores pH balance, purifies your blood, and ushers toxic metals out of your body. It deserves a special place in your anti-cancer juicing protocol.

Some cancer clinics and cancer patients at home grow their own wheatgrass in containers, for juicing purposes. I've read credible, first-person accounts from cancer patients who believe wheatgrass was THE treatment that saved their lives.

Although in the long term you probably need to consume healthy protein, many cancer patients use vegetable juice as their entire diet for weeks at a time, while trying to detoxify their system and kill the cancer cells. I'm not completely sold on the notion, held by many alternative cancer experts, that cancer patients should eat no animal protein at all. I think the jury's still out on that one. I can see it as a temporary de-toxing measure.

Freshness is essential

    Vegetable juice is HIGHLY perishable so it's best to drink it as soon as possible after you make it. Some of the aromatics — the scents and gases given off by the produce — are packed with valuable nutrients. Other nutrients will lose their potency when exposed to oxygen.

You can store juice for up to 24 hours with only moderate nutritional loss if you expose it to air as little as possible. An airtight container is a must — preferably one made of glass. Storage is helpful if you're taking your juice with you to work or school.

To remove the air from a juice container, you can purchase a food vacuum pump like Food Saver with a Ball jar attachment. You pour the juice into a pint jar, put the lid on, and the Food Saver will suck the air out of the jar, removing most of the oxygen. Then refrigerate and drink within 24 hours.

Most people drink their juice in the morning, but figure out what time works well for you.

Not all juicing machines are created equal

    Like most products, you should base your equipment selection on quality, performance and price. It's important that your juicer operate at slow speeds so it doesn't pulverize the food.

To make the process more time efficient: Always clean your machine right away. Don't wait until the food dries and bonds to the surface of the machine. In most cases, you may be able to get by with a rinse-off if you act right away. If you put it off, you'll have to scrub and scrape.

If you're worried about what the clean-up is going to involve, shop carefully and ask lots of questions before buying (not a bad idea in any case).Centrifugal juicers spin at very high speeds. Both masticating and centrifugal juicers and blenders operate at high speed — from 1,000 to 24,000 RPM. These high speeds can heat your juice and can damage the more perishable nutrients.

Reportedly, the best option is a single gear machine that turns slowly, around 80 RPMs — to ensure that nutrients aren't lost to heat, or to a destructive high-speed chopping blade. Use of this type of machine reduces oxidation as well as heat and impact shock to nearly nothing. So more of your food's delicate nutrients survive to benefit your health.

Presses such as the famous Norwalk, developed in 1934 by Dr. Norman Walker, extract only the juices, without fiber and pulp. This way, juices can be quickly absorbed into your bloodstream within just a few minutes. Some people drink half the juice without fiber, then add the 'leftover' fiber to the second half of their juice.

Given its popularity among cancer patients, I don't think you can go wrong with a Norwalk. But it's very pricey (around $2,500), and so is another brand, Angel, at over $1,000. I leave it up to you to find your own balance of price and function.

But don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. If you can afford only a less expesnive juicer, go for it. You're far better off using the lowest speed on a less expensive juicer and consuming a diet high in real live food with all its beneficial enzymes and nutrients… than you could ever be with a Standard American Diet, rightly called SAD..

Kindest regards,Lee Euler,

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