
Do You Eat This Dirty Food Several Times a Week?

Do You Eat This Dirty Food Several Times a Week? about undefined

This is one of the most popular foods in America. But it may be wreaking havoc on your health.

People who eat large amounts of it have higher heart disease and cancer rates, and die younger.1 Last year, 22 scientists declared this food carcinogenic.

Yet it tastes good and most of us don’t want to give it up. Plus, I don’t entirely agree with those scientists about the cancer risk. Here’s the real story. . .

Continued below. . .

“50% of ALL Adults Will Get Cancer”

So What Will YOU Do to Survive It?

A recent study reported in the British Journal of Cancer shocked the public when it predicted that 50% of all adults will be diagnosed with cancer.Last year, over 1.5 million people in the U.S. received this dreadful diagnosis.Sadly, cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the U.S. and the top cause of death worldwide.So it’s not so much a matter of “if” — it’s more a matter of “when”…And to compound the problem, as health writer Charlotte Libov points out in her new book CANCER Survival Guide … “A Cancer Diagnosis Demands Urgent Action”When a doctor tells you that you have cancer, you may experience a constellation of emotions: shock, fear, anger, guilt, depression, or many others. It’s not your fault — no one ever told you that you had to prepare.Until today …Fortunately this ground-breaking book gives you the tools to make the best decisions with an informed plan to take you from cancer patient to cancer survivor -  from the early days after your diagnosis, through your treatment — and beyond.Claim Your FREE CANCER Survival Guide - Click Here.

4 major pitfalls make red meat dangerous

Red meat is the villain of today’s article – but I think most of the danger comes from what’s in the meat, not the meat itself. That’s where I differ from the media and the many doctors who are always raising this cancer scare. Here’s what you want to look out for. . .


You’ll likely consume more pesticides by eating meat than fruits and vegetables.

Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs, aka factory farms) feed animals grain or corn, not grass. These grains are sprayed liberally with pesticides. And those chemicals go straight from the animal to you when you eat the meat.


Animals consume 80 percent of all antibiotics sold in the US.2 This gross overuse directly contributes to the rampant increase in antibiotic-resistant disease in both animals and humans.

Shockingly, 87 percent of grocery store meat exposes you to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.3 These infections sicken at least two million people and are responsible for 23,000 deaths every year. So if you eat CAFO meats, you should prepare yourself for a nasty infection.

Glyphosates (as in Roundup)

Glyphosates are heavily used in today’s conventional agriculture. Forty percent of today’s corn crops are used to feed animals. But here’s what most people don’t realize…

Most corn grown in the U.S. and many other countries is now genetically modified to withstand huge doses of the herbicide glyphosate. The chemical kills the weeds but spares the corn. The theory is that farmers can spray as much as they want without harming the plant that’s of value.

Not surprisingly, the weeds have evolved over the last several decades to be Roundup-resistant, so the farmers have to spray more and more every year.

As a result, animal feed is loaded with glyphosates, and given the burgeoning numbers of super weeds, it’s only a matter of time before farmers start spraying with 2,4-D – which was one-half of the Agent Orange formulation used during the Vietnam War.

Glyphosates attack healthy bacteria in your gut. Worse, some authorities believe the chemicals “poke holes in your gut” and allow the contents of your intestines to escape into your bloodstream – a condition known as leaky gut syndrome.

The microorganisms in your gut also have a huge influence on your cancer risk, and glyphosates have been deemed carcinogens, according to Chris Kresser, a licensed integrative medicine clinician.4

I’m often asked whether we need to worry about genetically modified grains. My answer is that the jury is still out on whether the gene modifications are harmful in themselves, but whenever you eat meat from animals that receive 40 percent of their diet from genetically modified corn, you’re at risk from glyphosates. The genes may not be a problem, but the herbicides are, for sure.

Meanwhile, clean red meat is not so dangerous

Americans eat three servings of red meat per week, on average. Those who eat 15 or more servings per week have increased disease risk. But these heavy meat eaters typically live unhealthy lifestyles in other ways, too.5

A study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention found no connection between eating red meat and colon cancer.6

In fact, based on data compiled from 27 studies, red meat only increased the likelihood of colon cancer because of other dietary and lifestyle factors.7

As people eat more red meat, they also tend to be more obese, live a sedentary lifestyle, smoke, drink more alcohol, eat fewer vegetables and consume too many total calories. These are the factors that shorten their lives.

I’m persuaded that red meat as such doesn’t increase your risk when it’s organically grown and eaten in moderation. And you can also tamp down the cancer risk (if any) by eating it alongside ample fruits and vegetables, and maintaining a healthy weight. It’s the poisons in conventionally grown red meat that you should worry about.

Eat like grandma and grandpa

It’s generally a good idea to try to eat the types of foods your great-grandparents ate. You know… real food, organic food. Non-processed whole food was all they knew.

Old-fashioned, grass-fed, organically raised meat is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat.8

Compared to grain-fed beef, grass-fed beef has less fat and more nutrients – beta-carotene, vitamin E, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.9

It has seven times more omega-3s (which improve your blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and strengthen your heart) than omega-6s (linked to inflammation, cancer, and more).10

Grass-fed beef also has three to five times more conjugated linoleic acid than grain-fed beef. This particular fatty acid fights cancer, promotes fat loss, boosts your metabolism, normalizes your thyroid function, delays diabetes, normalizes cholesterol, and enhances your immune system.11

It doesn’t wash your car or make your bed, but it seems to do almost everything else. . .

Meanwhile, conventional “industrial” meat is less nutritious… and it’s also chock full of hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, poisons, and glyphosates.

Not all red meat is created equal

Whatever you decide about red meat, don’t gorge yourself on processed meats like ham, pastrami, salami, pepperoni, hot dogs, sausages, and bacon. Even if the animal was raised chemical-free in a pristine environment, meats of this type are loaded with chemicals.

Eating one sausage or three pieces of bacon a day boosts your risk of cancer (see Issue #569.) They should be enjoyed in moderation. I’ll eat bacon when I’m a guest at someone’s home, or I’m preparing a special recipe that calls for bacon. Or on Christmas morning.

But not several times a week.

Frequent eating of processed meats increases your risk of colon cancer by 50 percent, bladder cancer by 59 percent, stomach cancer by 38 percent, and pancreatic cancer by 67 percent.12

Instead, consume unprocessed meat grown on farms where the cows get room to roam and are fed their natural diet of grass -- not forced into cramped, disease-promoting pens where they’re fed corn and antibiotics, and never see the light of day. Sick animals make for a sick “you.”

How much did you eat, and how did you cook it?

It also matters how you prepare red meat, how much you eat, and what you eat with it.

Slow and steady.

Grilling and frying red meat creates toxic carcinogenic byproducts, especially the charred or blackened portions near the edges.

To prevent this, use indirect heat, like stewing, steaming, braising, poaching, or slow cooking. Decide that it’s not worth the risk to have that “perfectly charred” piece of steak. Because at some point a cancer diagnosis may force you to face that, and you might as well put time on your side.

Spice it up.

Marinades and spice rubs stop harmful compounds from forming when the meat is grilling, broiling or roasting. Besides that, they add flavor. So use them liberally.

Add an avocado or colored vegetables.

Cooking vegetables on a grill doesn’t create carcinogens like grilling meat does. And the vegetables are full of nutrients. They’re colorful, delicious, and nutritious.

Adding half an avocado to your burger has been shown to reduce inflammation.

Quality over quantity.

Eat only organically raised, grass-fed or pastured meats… beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and pork.

If you can’t find meat with both labels, it is more important to buy grass-fed than organic.

Grass-fed cattle have limited exposure to pesticides, fertilizers, and other harmful chemicals. This can make them almost organic, even if the meat is not labeled as such.

Organically raised animals may eat organic corn in a cramped factory farm setting. It’s effectively like a human living on a high-carb diet with no green or colorful vegetables. It doesn’t make for a healthy animal. So “organic” is not necessarily the last word.

Eat smaller portions. ‘Nuff said.
Your health will thank you.

Our last issue covered some important new discoveries about pancreatic cancer – one of the most feared and deadly types. There’s new hope for prevention and treatment – please scroll down and read it now if you missed it.

We Just Learned a Lot More about Pancreatic Cancer –
And There ARE Things You Can Do!

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive and lethal cancers we fight today.

It’s hard to detect, so it often goes undiagnosed until it’s grown to a late stage. Unfortunately, 80% of patients succumb in less than a year.

That’s why it’s so important to take every precaution against this devastating disease.

The good news? I’m glad you asked. Keep reading. . .

Continued below. . .

Hidden Constipation Syndrome –
Have You Got It?

A recent study reports that more than half of patients – 62 percent – have colons plugged up with layers of filthy, decayed fecal matter. . .

. . .even though 80 percent had bowel movements every day without straining!

Colon autopsies show it and now studies have proven it. Even if you have a regular, daily bowel movement, you may possibly have pounds of hardened, toxic, bacteria-laden waste matter stuck in your intestines!

Breakthrough study results from the prestigious Department of Organ Surgery and Gastroenterological Clinic in Elsinore, Denmark, reveal that millions of people unknowingly have these large “fecal reservoirs” – which back up your entire colon and rectum.

And no synthetic laxatives or enemas can get this toxic, rotting mess out of you!

Click here for a FREE REPORT on how you
can get rid of this deadly threat to your health and well being.

New research shows high levels of three specific trace minerals in your body can contribute to pancreatic cancer … while high levels of two other trace minerals can reduce your risk.

The role played by these toxic and beneficial minerals has led to a simple, painless test that can reveal your personal risk for pancreatic cancer.

This is where your pancreas gets into trouble

The pancreas is a large gland about six inches long, hidden behind your stomach. It’s split into two parts, each performing a specific function:

    • the exocrine pancreas produces digestive juices that flow into the small intestine
    • the endocrine pancreas produces insulin and other digestion-related hormones

    The most common type of pancreatic cancer affects the cells lining the ducts of the exocrine pancreas. Symptoms include unexplained weight loss, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin), and back and stomach pains.

    While genetic predisposition accounts for a small percentage of cases, a study published in Current Opinion in Pharmacology concluded that about four out of ten cases are caused by systemic inflammation brought on by poor nutrition, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, obesity and exposure to chemicals.1

    These lifestyle habits also expose you to the trace minerals you want to avoid to protect your pancreas.

    Three trace metals to avoid

    Regarding exposure, studies show high levels of cadmium, arsenic and lead in the body can contribute to the development of pancreatic cancer.


    Cadmium is most often released into the environment from mining and smelting operations and through phosphate fertilizers. It is quickly absorbed into soils and water and then enters the food chain.

    According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, crops such as tobacco, rice and potatoes can be cadmium-heavy because they take up the toxic metal from the soil and water.2

    When absorbed into the human body, cadmium accumulates in the pancreas, causing cellular problems and eventually cancer if not discharged.

    A study published in 2000 concluded cadmium is a “plausible pancreatic carcinogen.”3

    To reduce your exposure to cadmium …

      • Do not smoke or chew tobacco.
      • Be aware of where your food is grown. Buy organic whenever you can, because chemical fertilizers are a source of this metal.
      • Check and obey local advisories when fishing and eating seafood.


      Arsenic is found in both organic and inorganic forms. Inorganic arsenic is the one to avoid.

      According to a study published in Gut, the official journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology, high arsenic levels in the body correlate to an increased risk in pancreatic cancer.

      In the study, participants with the highest levels of both arsenic and cadmium were between 2 and 3.5 times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those with the lowest levels.4

      Inorganic arsenic is released into the environment in similar ways as cadmium … but what’s more alarming is that chickens raised on factory farms between 1944 and 2011 were given arsenic-laced feed.

      According to the FDA, the addition was used “for growth promotion, feed efficiency and improved pigmentation.” Basically, it was a cost-effective but toxic shortcut to increase profits and make chickens grow 50% faster.5

      While the chicken feed ingredient (called roxarsone) was banned in 2011, other arsenic-based animal drugs are still used on factory farms and in other farm-raised animals. And experts estimate we are exposed to several thousand times more arsenic today than people were in preindustrial times.

      Even worse, arsenic is notoriously difficult to detox from the body. Even with specially-designed natural supplements that mobilize the metal from the tissue, it takes up to two years to completely get rid of it.6

      So, if you ate farm-raised chicken between the years 1944 and 2011 (as just about all of us did), you likely have some level of arsenic toxicity.

      To reduce your exposure to arsenic in the future …

        • Whenever possible, avoid meat raised on factory farms. Buy organic when you can.
        • Drink filtered water if you live in an area with unusually high arsenic levels in the soil, which can affect your drinking water.


        Lead is a heavy metal found in soil and water, but most harmful exposure comes from things like lead paint, gasoline, copper pipe soldering, plastics and household dust.

        Nearly everybody knows that exposure to lead is harmful, but the Gut study reveals just how bad it is for the pancreas. The authors found people with high levels of lead in the body were six times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those with low levels.

        To reduce your lead exposure …

          • If renovating a home built before 1978, wear masks and keep children away from the site until complete. Lead-based particulates and dust may be released into the air.
          • Wet-wipe surfaces in the home regularly to reduce dust.
          • Have the soil in your yard tested for lead. If the level is high, do not plant a vegetable garden in the soil.

        Two trace minerals to embrace

        As you remember from earlier in this article, two trace elements are beneficial to your health. In fact, in the study published in Gut, high concentrations of nickel and selenium in the body were shown to reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

        The patients with the highest levels of these two trace minerals were between 33% and 95% less likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those with the lowest levels. In short, you can eliminate a very large portion of your risk of pancreatic cancer if you take advantage of this finding.

        Doctors and researchers have long known that antioxidants reduce oxidative stress (free radical damage) in cells. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to reduce free radicals and inflammation.

        There’s more. In addition to the Gut study, a study published in the British Medical Journal suggests that increasing the dietary intake of selenium could help cut the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by two-thirds.

        The participants in the study who had a weekly selenium intake in the top 25% had roughly half the risk of developing the disease when compared to those whose intake was in the bottom 25%.7

        Good dietary sources of selenium include Brazil nuts (just two per day provides the recommended daily allowance), mushrooms, salmon, cod, and turkey.

        Who knew about nickel?

        Were you surprised to see nickel on the list?

        I was, too.

        It turns out, nickel is thought to help the body absorb iron more efficiently, which in turn supports the generation of red blood cells and healthy cellular activity.

        Animal studies have shown nickel to be involved in the regulation of B12, folate and an important amino acid called methionine. A study published in Cancer Research suggests deficiencies in these vitamins and minerals contribute to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.8

        Good food sources of nickel include lentils, oats, dry beans, and nuts.

        The secret in your toenails

        So how can you test the trace mineral levels in your body? Surprisingly, the answer lies in your toenails.

        The researchers in the Gut study tested participants’ toenail clippings for 12 different trace minerals. And in a study performed at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, researchers found toenail clippings to be a viable biomarker for testing trace minerals.9

        Human nails are largely composed of keratin-rich proteins, and the trace elements taken in through diet are stored in these proteins for a long time, giving researchers a more consistent reading than other methods.

        Toenails are thought to be especially useful because of their slow rate of growth.

        So see if the clinic in your area administers a toenail analysis. They are also available online.

        If you have trouble finding toenail tests, there are many laboratories that can analyze hair for trace minerals as well. The best are Trace Elements Labs and Analytical Research Laboratories.

        Once you know your levels, you can take the necessary steps to detox your body from cadmium, arsenic and lead. Chelation therapies and other natural supplements, like BioSil and PectaClear, are gentle, natural ways to detox from even tricky metals like arsenic.10

        I recommend undergoing chelation only with a doctor’s supervision and after being tested for levels of the toxic metals you might want to remove. It’s also better to test for your levels of beneficial minerals like selenium before supplementing (although I realize few people do).

        Remember, it can take up to two years to completely detox from trace metals … but your pancreas (and your loved ones) will thank you!

        Kindest regards,

        Lee Euler,

        References (Article 1):
        (1) Reinagel MS, LD/N, CNS, Monica. “You Don't Have to Give Up Red Meat to Be Healthy.” Quick and Dirty Tips. March 2015. Main, Emily. “How Dirty is Your Meat?” Prevention. April 18, 2013. Ibid
        (4) Mercola. “Processed Meats Declared Carcinogenic.” November 11, 2015. Reinagel MS, LD/N, CNS, Monica. “Eating Red Meat Causes Cancer? Not exactly.” Quick and Dirty Tips. October 2015. DD, Alexander, et al. “Meta-analysis of prospective studies of red meat consumption and colorectal cancer.” European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2011. Pg. 293-307.  DD, Alexander, et al. “Red Meat and Colorectal Cancer: A Quantitative Update on the State of the Epidemiologic Science.” The Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2015. Pg 521-43. Mercola MD. “Red Meat Can be Part of a Healthful Diet.” June 28, 2012. iBid
        (10) King, Margie. “Will Red Meat Really Kill You?” Green Med Info. March 3, 2014. Mercola. “Grass-Fed Meat: The "Golden Beef" that Contains 3 to 5 Times More of This Cancer-Fighting Substance.” July 18, 2011. Mercola MD. “Red Meat Can be Part of a Healthful Diet.” June 28, 2012.
        References (Article 2):
        (1) Inflammation and pancreatic cancer: an evidence-based review. Cadmium toxicity: Where is cadmium found? Is cadmium a cause of human pancreatic cancer? Pancreatic cancer risk and levels of trace elements. Questions and answers regarding 3-Nitro (Roxarsone). Arsenic toxicity. High dietary antioxidant intake might cut pancreatic cancer risk. Plasma folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and homocysteine and pancreatic cancer risk in four large cohorts. Trace elements in nails as biomarkers in clinical research. Arsenic toxicity.

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