
Natural cancer fighter comes with a warning

Natural cancer fighter comes with a warning about undefined

Your body makes an important hormone that can both help prevent cancer and destroy tumors after they’ve formed, according to recently published research.

Intriguingly, your body makes more of this natural substance if you are a creature of habit. If you get up at the same time every morning, eat your meals at the same times every day and go to bed at the same time each night, a little structure in your head called the pineal gland happily secretes this hormone. Besides making your body more cancer-resistant, it makes sleep more restful.

The hormone, now known to be central to the body’s anti-cancer defenses, is melatonin. Here’s the scoop...

Continued below...

Oliver was doomed to die from
cancer within 8 hours –

But then he found out what to do. . .

Oliver had reached the end of the road in his seven-year fight against cancer. His doctors didn’t think this 32-year-old man would live through the night.

But when I talked to Oliver six years later, he was the picture of health! He got rid of his cancer completely.

Yes, Oliver found the answer — his own cancer miracle.

I sat down with him and his doctor and they told me an incredible story. . . a story that could help save you or someone you love from this dreaded disease.

If you’d like to hear it, click here now.

Researchers are waking up to the fact that people whose bodies produce more melatonin are more cancer resistant. And they are also finding that, in many cases, giving cancer patients melatonin supplements when they’re being treated increases their chance of surviving and eradicating their tumors.

For instance, a study at the Harvard School of Public Health shows that men with a higher level of melatonin circulating in their blood run a reduced risk of developing advanced prostate cancer.1

The Harvard researchers warn that when we don’t have regular, predictable sleep habits, we increase our chances of cancer because we are also disrupting the body’s melatonin production. It’s become a major health risk because many of us work at night, stay up too late watching TV or using computers and smart phones, or indulge in other late night activities.

"Sleep loss and other factors can influence the amount of melatonin secretion or block it altogether, and health problems associated with low melatonin, disrupted sleep, and/or disruption of the circadian rhythm are broad, including a potential risk factor for cancer," says researcher Sarah C. Markt, Ph.D. "We found that men who had higher levels of melatonin had a 75 percent reduced risk for developing advanced prostate cancer compared with men who had lower levels of melatonin.”

Dr. Markt’s research, which looked at the melatonin levels and sleep habits of more than 900 men living in Iceland, showed that men who took prescription medication to help them sleep, had problems sleeping, or had problems staying asleep at night generally had lower levels of melatonin in their blood -- and this marker, in turn, was linked to a greater incidence of prostate cancer complications.

Fighting breast cancer

Melatonin is also proving to be a potent substance for increasing the cancer-killing power of anti-cancer drugs.

Researchers at the Tulane University School of Medicine conducted a laboratory study of how breast cancer cells react to tamoxifen – an anti-cancer drug first discovered in the late 1960s. Tamoxifen is still the most frequently used drug that’s given to breast cancer patients.2 The researchers found that exposure to light at night – which is known to hamper the body’s production of melatonin -- can make breast cancer completely resistant to treatment with tamoxifen.

However, the tests on animals showed that melatonin supplementation, even if the animals didn’t have much melatonin in their bodies (because they were exposed to light at night), could, by itself, without anti-cancer drugs, slow the growth and formation of breast tumors. The lab experiments also demonstrated that melatonin supplements given to melatonin-deficient animals made tamoxifen much more effective at eradicating tumors.

The researchers then showed that the animals could generate a huge increase in the cancer-killing power of tamoxifen with just the melatonin they produced themselves. When the researchers had the animals sleep in darkness – which helped their pineal glands produce adequate melatonin -- the melatonin produced naturally in their bodies rendered tamoxifen much more effective.

According to researcher David Blask, who is with Tulane's Circadian Cancer Biology Group, "High melatonin levels at night put breast cancer cells to 'sleep' by turning off key growth mechanisms. These cells are vulnerable to tamoxifen. But when the lights are on and melatonin production is suppressed, breast cancer cells 'wake up' and ignore tamoxifen.”

Just to be clear, I’m not advocating tamoxifen. I’m telling you this to illustrate the power of melatonin.

Women’s need for melatonin

Researchers are now also finding that it’s remarkably effective to give melatonin to women while they’re being treated for breast cancer.

In a study of breast cancer patients being treated with tamoxifen, researchers found that adding melatonin to the regimen made the tamoxifen so much more powerful, it was possible to reduce the dose of the drug without a loss of effectiveness.3

Being able to use a lower dose of tamoxifen is important because the drug, especially in large amounts, can cause serious and even deadly side effects: It can increase the chances of stroke, uterine cancer, vision difficulties and pulmonary embolism. It can also lead to hot flushes, weight loss and irregular menstruation.

In addition, during cancer treatment, cancer cells may grow resistant to tamoxifen, rendering it less effective. Eventually, the cancer cells can resist the drug entirely and keep forming larger tumors.

Building on the research that shows melatonin boosts apoptosis (the process that leads cancer cells to engage in a type of suicide) these researchers believed the hormone could make tamoxifen more deadly to cancer cells and render those cells less likely to develop resistance.

And the study confirmed that it does.

In this test, cancer patients received their melatonin within an injection of small bubbles called nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs). These are designed to provide a time-released dose of melatonin gradually, over a prolonged period of time.

Skin protection

During the day, when you should spend at least some time out in the sunlight helping your body make vitamin D, melatonin also plays an important role in reducing skin damage from ultraviolet light and dropping your risk of skin cancer.

A study at the University of Tennessee shows that melatonin is both produced in the skin (in small quantities) and used by skin cells to reduce oxidative stress and defend against pre-cancerous changes resulting from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.4

And researchers in Germany have reported that since melatonin in the skin “distinctly counteracts massive generation of reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial and DNA damage,” it should also help promote younger looking skin.

Going along with these results, a study at the University of Colorado Cancer Center showed that melatonin can be helpful in fighting malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer that can be life-threatening.5

How much to take

Unfortunately, there isn’t much of a consensus about the dosages of melatonin supplements that are most beneficial. I don’t have a good reaction to this supplement myself, and I think the problems I’ve had may be because the doses were much too high. It sure didn’t help me sleep – it did the opposite – and while I was awake (having no choice about the matter) I didn’t like the way I felt.

According to the Mayo Clinic, cancer studies have used doses of anywhere from 1-40 milligrams daily. The clinic’s website says the most common dose in these studies has been 20 milligrams a day.6 In addition, some research has used melatonin applied on the skin.

The University of Maryland Medical Center, on the other hand, suggests that if you take melatonin supplements (especially if you want to get better sleep), you should start with a little less than 0.3 mg a day – the amount they say your body makes normally. Then you can gradually step it up if you think you need more. They also suggest taking melatonin close to bed time.7

From what I know about melatonin, my recommendation would be to take the low-dose approach suggested by Maryland U. And be very cautious giving melatonin to kids – better yet, don’t give it to them at all. Amounts from 1 to 5 grams have caused seizures in children.8

In addition, melatonin may have harmful interactions with prescription medications. So consult your pharmacist before combining melatonin with pharmaceuticals of any kind.

Unfortunately, a great many people who recommend or sell supplements are carried away by their enthusiasm. They can’t imagine there could ever be any harm in a natural substance, and melatonin is nothing if not natural. Be warned: this is a powerful hormone and should be approached accordingly.

Boost melatonin the natural way

In my view, the best way to increase your melatonin is plenty of good, sound sleep. Make sure your room is completely dark at night. This means no glowing digital clocks, smart phones or anything else of that sort. You know those little red or green lights they put on EVERY electrical device to let you know it’s on? Get them out of your bedroom.

Eye masks work for many people, especially those in urban environments where street light pours into your bedroom from sources you can’t control.

If you have to get up at night, try to get by without turning on the lights (but please don’t fall and hurt yourself or bang your shin on the furniture while you’re groping around in the dark.) If you must have a light, use a dim night light, a small flashlight, or something similar.

The rule is: Every time your eyes are exposed to light during your sleeping hours, you’re losing melatonin – and increasing your risk of not only cancer but Alzheimer’s, too.

Our last issue discussed an exciting new cancer treatment that’s been almost totally ignored by everyone – alternative and mainstream doctors alike. If you missed the news, we’re running it again just below.

Ignored for Over a Decade - A Cheap,
Non-Toxic and Effective Cancer Remedy

"I've been in cancer study for 20 years, and I've never seen anything like this, that just melts tumors away."

That was the view of Martin G Pomper, M.D., Ph.D., professor of radiology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

He said this back in 2004.

What got him so excited, and why have we heard nothing about this remedy since? Read on to find out.

Continued below...

A Few Sips a Day,
Keeps Cancer Away...

The Simple Secret That's Saving Thousands of People Around The World from Deadly Cancers...

The National Cancer Institute confirmed its effectiveness. When the results came in, the NCI researchers were amazed...

In their experiments, cells from six of the deadliest cancers were knocked out - lung cancer, colon cancer, leukemia, ovarian cancer, kidney cancer and melanoma. In every test almost all of the cancer cells were dead. Wiped out within just 48 hours of being exposed to one little-known cancer treatment...

Imagine the millions of lives it could save, Then brace yourself for a shocking surprise...

Click here to watch a FREE video presentation

The metabolic theory of cancer

Initially produced in the 1940s, an off-the-shelf molecule called 3-bromopyruvate (3-BP) had been all but forgotten until it came to the attention of Young Hee Ko, Ph.D., a medical researcher at Johns Hopkins.

It turned out to have special properties that made it ideal as an anti-cancer agent.

But before we look at why she was interested in this chemical, we need to take a look at the lab she joined.

It was headed by professor of biological chemistry and oncology, Peter L Pedersen, Ph.D. His research focused on cell energetics. Dr. Pedersen was a disciple of Nobel winning scientist Otto Warburg.

According to Dr. Warburg, normal, healthy cells produce 95% of their energy aerobically (with oxygen) via the mitochondria, the cell’s “batteries.” But cancer cells are different. They produce up to 60% of their energy anaerobically (without oxygen) by breaking down glucose.

This is a very inefficient, primitive way of generating energy, and – what’s worse -- it produces lactic acid as a toxic byproduct. This is known as the Warburg Effect. It’s found in more than nine out of ten cancers.

He believed a dysfunction in the mitochondria caused this switch in the way energy is produced and was the prime cause of cancer.

Dr. Pedersen's work focused on the mitochondria and documented the Warburg Effect in detail. He took his work further, noting the vastly reduced number of mitochondria in cancer cells and the structural abnormalities of the ones that remain. It seems like cancer cells have no option but to revert to a primitive form of generating energy.

Most current cancer research focuses on genetic mutations. It’s become more or less medical doctrine that these mutations are the cause of cancer. In sharp contrast, the work of Dr. Pedersen and others is advancing a competing theory: The metabolic origin of cancer, which theorizes that cancer originates in mitochondrial damage, possibly caused by free radicals and toxicity.

This damage disrupts the signaling that takes place between these energy centers and only then does the nucleus – the DNA -- get disrupted. This leads to changes in gene expression and mutations.

Dr. Pedersen and other like-minded scientists believe that gene mutations are an effect and not the underlying cause of cancer. Mitochondrial damage comes first.

If true – and I think it is – the metabolic theory of cancer is the most important breakthrough in cancer research in decades. If you’re not up to speed on it, you can read more in Issue #415 and #416.

Meanwhile, enter Dr Ko, who has found a game-changing way to exploit this discovery.

Trojan horse sneaks inside cancer cells

When she joined Dr Pedersen, Dr. Ko threw herself into this research. Dr. Pedersen has a reputation as a workaholic, not taking a day off work in 22 years, but Dr. Ko surpassed his efforts, putting in 18 hour days and even sleeping in the lab.

Fortunately, her dedication paid off.

Because cancer cells produce a great deal of lactic acid, they need a way of expelling it, otherwise the cells would die of toxicity. To do this they create a lot of transporters to carry the acid, and pores to form an escape route for it.

Dr. Ko wondered whether this difference between a normal cell and a cancer cell could be exploited.

When working for her doctorate she studied 3-BP. The molecule mimics the chemical structure of lactic acid except that it's very reactive.

Her idea was that the cancer cell would mistake 3-BP for lactic acid. This would allow the substance to sneak into the cancer cell through the same pores that allow lactic acid to escape. It would act like a Trojan horse, creating havoc inside the mitochondria, shutting down both forms of energy production.

Breathtaking, unbelievable results

Initial laboratory testing of the molecule on human liver and breast cancer cell lines was compared with other chemotherapy agents such as cisplatin. The results were astonishing. 3-BP was far more powerful. The results were so surprising she found them hard to believe, so she repeated the test a hundred times. The results were the same.

Testing on cancer cells cultured in a petri dish is one thing, the next big test would be in an animal model.

Human liver cancer cells were seeded into 19 rats until the cancers grew 2-3 cm. These advanced cancers were then treated with 3-BP. 14 animals were used as controls and treated with saline. After 6 or 7 days all controls had to be euthanized.

But in every 3-BP-treated animal the cancers were eradicated without toxicity within four weeks. Seven months later all remained alive, well and cancer free.

This research was published in 2004.

Subsequent research by the Johns Hopkins team and other labs has shown that 3-BP inhibits an enzyme called hexokinase II which promotes the use of glucose for cellular energy. This enzyme also helps to immortalize cancer cells.

3-BP has demonstrated the following attributes:

  • It is specific to cancer with little effect on normal cells
  • It starts depleting energy reserves within minutes
  • It doesn't merely damage cancer cells, it kills them outright. Cancer cell membranes rupture and explode in rapid time
  • After completing its mission, 3-BP destroys itself. It doesn't remain on the loose to create any potential risks
  • It exhibits little or no toxicity

Why are we waiting?

Dr. Pomper wasn't the only one inspired by the animal study. Dr. David Hockenbery of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle said the results were "quite dramatic and quite impressive."

And yet, twelve years on, there have been no human trials.


The fact that 3-BP is a very cheap, common chemical that can't be patented is certainly part of the explanation. The cost to patients from using 3-BP is estimated at 70 cents per day.

Another reason is that a falling out took place between Dr. Ko and her employers, resulting in her dismissal and a long lawsuit. Although clinical trials have been held up, Dr. Ko is optimistic these will take place soon. We can only hope her optimism is justified.

Better than any anti-cancer drug

There have been anecdotal reports of remarkable cures in a small number of people, but the following case report is the only example published in a medical journal.

Just 16 years old, Yvar had the fibrolamellar carcinoma form of liver cancer. There is no known treatment other than transplantation, but he did not fulfill the requirements.

He was treated with the 'gold standard' liver drug sorafenib but benefits were short-lived.

Treatment with 3-BP began in February, 2009. Yvar's very poor appetite was quickly reversed. Enlarged spleen was drastically reduced. Indications of tumor death were evident. Regeneration of liver tissue was observed. By the summer he started to regain his physical strength.

Unfortunately, in spite of regeneration of liver cells, liver functions were overloaded and couldn't cope with the rapid destruction of tumor cells. The liver couldn't detoxify dead cancer cell debris fast enough. Yvar died two years after first diagnosis, although he lived much longer than expected, and with an improved quality of life.

The authors of the study noted that "the rate of tumor necrosis [death] due to 3-BP treatment seems to exceed all known cytostatic [anti-cancer] drugs."

Late-stage lung cancer cured with combination therapy

In September 2014, doctors at the Cancer Treatment Institute of Columbia reported on a 66-year-old man with stage IV small cell lung cancer. The usual treatments had failed and his prognosis was poor.

He was treated with 3-BP and the antibacterial and anti-cancer stem cell agent salinomycin. Four weeks later, chest CT scans revealed the total disappearance of the disease.

Dr. Jason Williams, a member of the study team, said, "These two drugs are exceptional on their own, but it's their combination that's proving to be instrumental. Salinomycin and 3-BP work together to disable the cancer cell's energy production and reduce the proportion of cancer stem cells.

"Our initial work with human subjects has been more successful than we could have imagined."

Treatment with 3-BP is available

3-BP is not approved by the FDA, and Dr. Ko does not recommend treatment from a 'non-certified' facility. To us old hands in alternative cancer treatment, this is no cause for alarm.

Use of 3-BP in human patients is limited. While it should work on all tumors that exhibit the Warburg Effect (these will light up on PET scans), much is yet to be determined regarding dosage, timing and combination with other drugs or treatments.

The concept has not been tested, but in theory 3-BP should work better with a ketogenic diet that greatly limits carbohydrates – a dietary strategy for starving cancer cells that can only metabolize carbohydrates.

There are many unanswered questions, but nevertheless some German clinics offer this treatment. It is also available at the Dayspring Cancer Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, and at Cancer Immunotherapy Centers in Toronto, Canada.

Best regards,

Lee Euler,

References Article #1:
References Article #2:

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