
The “Next Miracle Drug” was Discovered by Columbus – and Recently Proven Safer and More Effective than Chemo

The “Next Miracle Drug” was Discovered by Columbus – and Recently Proven Safer and More Effective than Chemo about undefined

Don’t be duped into chemo without checking out the alternatives first.

In this issue I’m going to talk about a natural enzyme that’s been proven safer and more effective than a blockbuster chemotherapy drug that oncologists have been pushing at patients for 40 years.

The enzyme comes from a plant that looks kind of nasty on the outside, but it’s sweet and tasty on the inside. And it’s also quite sweet for your health.

Here’s the inside scoop…

Why Most Health Foods are
a Waste of Money
By Lee Euler

You can take vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants by the handful and still suffer poor health. Now we know why. Our diets lack a vital food — a type of nutrient that even alternative doctors don’t know about. Thanks to this supplement, a mother’s lifelong migraines disappeared, and a man with “terminal” kidney cancer was alive 15 years later. He’s just one of thousands of cancer patients who have taken this supplement and seen remarkable results.

There’s more: It’s one of the most popular pain relievers in Germany, used by that country’s Olympic team to help athletes get rid of pain and accelerate healing from sports injuries. It outperforms prescription blood clot drugs—in my opinion, patients should take this supplement instead of blood-thinning drugs like warfarin. And it even helps 9 out of 10 autistic children. The mother of a 7-year-old autistic child starting giving him this supplement after reading my Special Report The Missing Ingredient—and he started speaking after having been nonverbal his whole life!

How can ONE supplement possibly do all this? Just ask yourself: What if you were getting NO vitamins in your diet? You’d be very sick. This nutrient is just as important and you’re getting almost none. Read more here about The Missing Ingredient, and consider trying it yourself.

Works better than chemo

Every once in a while, a study pops up in Medline’s database that not only confirms a natural cancer therapy, but sometimes even blows previous research out of the water.

Such was the case in 2007. In an animal study, researchers discovered that an enzyme called bromelain, contained in pineapple stems, was a better cancer treatment than the chemotherapy agent 5-fluorauracil. The study was published in the journal Planta Medica.

Researchers stated, “This antitumoral effect [of bromelain] was superior to that of 5-FU [5-fluorouracil]…”

What makes this result particularly impressive is that bromelain caused no harm to the animals.

So the pineapple plant not only yields a favorite fruit, but also a powerful medicine. I take a bromelain supplement every day myself, as do a great many other people. They know something the medical profession is too arrogant to learn.

Compare gentle but powerful bromelain to the grim track record of 5-FU, a drug in which millions of cancer patients have placed their hope of recovery for the past 40 years – and a drug they’ve paid billions of dollars to obtain.

5-FU is unaffectionately known as “five feet under” because, like most chemo, it doesn’t work very well. It is unable to kill only cancer cells, and often kills or irreversibly damages healthy cells and tissue as well.

GreenMedInfo observes:

“As a highly toxic, fluoride-bound form of the nucleic acid uracil, a normal component of RNA, the drug is supposed to work by tricking more rapidly dividing cells – which include both cancer and healthy intestinal, hair follicle, and immune cells – into taking it up, thereby inhibiting (read: poisoning) RNA-replication enzymes and RNA synthesis…

“…When a person dies following conventional cancer treatment it is all too easy to ‘blame the victim’ and simply write that patient’s cancer off as ‘chemo-resistant,’ or ‘exceptionally aggressive,’ when in fact the non-selective nature [damage to healthy cells] of the chemotoxic agent is what ultimately led to their death.”

Its safety data sheets calls
5-FU “very hazardous”

You might want to take a hint from the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for 5-FU. It warns about the substance’s deadly nature.

Potential Acute Health Effects:

“Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion. Hazardous in case of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator), or eye contact (irritant). Severe over-exposure can result in death.”

Potential Chronic Health Effects:

“… The substance is toxic to blood. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated exposure to a highly toxic material may produce general deterioration of health by an accumulation in one or many human organs.”

Another disconcerting fact…

A 5-FU dosage of 115 mg per kilogram of body weight kills half of the animals that consume it – the equivalent of a 7.8 gram dosage for a 150-pound adult. That’s the weight of a mere 3 pennies.

Compare this to bromelain’s Medical Safety Data Sheet. The amount of bromelain that would kill 50% of adults is 1.5 pounds of bromelain. That means the pineapple enzyme is approximately 87 times safer than 5-FU. Some sources even say it’s three orders of magnitudes safer!

The history of 5-FU is a picture of arrogant modern science gone horribly awry. Now compare it to the life-giving history of the pineapple. . .

A luxury, a delight, and
a symbol of hospitality

Christopher Columbus became the first European to learn about pineapples, on the island of Guadeloupe in 1493. He took this South American treasure back to Europe as one of his most exotic prizes from the New World.

I’m not sure if he knew about its medicinal qualities, as opposed to its delicious taste. But native populations in South America have used pineapples for hundreds of years to quell inflammation and infections.

By the 1600s, pineapples were very popular in Europe.

In colonial America, sailors brought pineapples home to New England. A fresh pineapple displayed on the front porch meant the sailor had returned from foreign ports and was ready to receive visitors. The pineapple is still a symbol of welcome, at least in parts of the eastern United States where people are mindful of tradition.

This exotic fruit was considered the height of elegance, and was often the crowning glory of early American banquets. George Washington grew pineapples in the hothouse on his property.

If conventional doctors were open to natural cancer treatments, they’d sit up and take notice of the amazing enzyme contained in this fruit.

How bromelain works

Indigenous cultures knew that bromelain was useful for fighting inflammation. Cancer – like many other conditions – is actually linked to chronic inflammation in your body. The only question is whether inflammation causes cancer, or is a byproduct of cancer – or both.

Few people know this, but you don’t actually get much bromelain from eating the most popular part of the fruit. Only small quantities of the enzyme are found in the juice of the pineapple. The most potent cancer-fighting properties are found in the pineapple’s core.

Ironically, that’s the part most people toss in the trash. Instead of throwing it away because it’s pulpy, you can juice it and feast on its cancer-fighting powers.

When you do, you’ll reap one of the most prized benefits of natural cancer treatments. “Selective cytotoxicity” is a well-known property of many natural compounds.

In layman’s terms, that means a substance kills only cancer cells, without killing healthy cells – and you.

No FDA-approved chemotherapy drug on the market can claim this priceless benefit. That’s one reason today’s conventional cancer treatment methods are still in the Dark Ages – at best, destroying quality of life, and at worst, causing death.

You and I both know bromelain will never receive FDA approval as a cancer treatment even if it works, because non-patentable substances don’t result in big paydays for pharmaceutical companies.

And bromelain isn’t the only compound that offers selective cytotoxicity. Many natural foods do.

Dissolves the cloak that hides cancer cells

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme (meaning it digests proteins). Such enzymes are also called proteases. Proteolytic enzymes can help fight cancer by:

  • Decreasing inflammation.
  • Boosting cytokines, especially interferon and tumor necrosis factor, which are critical warriors in the fight against cancer cells.
  • Dissolving fibrin, the cloak behind which cancer cells hide to escape detection. Once they’re “uncloaked,” your immune system can attack and destroy them. Researchers also think fibrin lets cancer cells stick together, allowing them to metastasize.
  • Boosting the potency of the immune system’s macrophages and killer cells 12-fold, according to German studies.

However, getting enzymes from your digestive tract into your bloodstream may be more challenging than you think.

In the Planta Medica study I described at the beginning of this article, in which bromelain outperformed 5-FU, the natural enzyme was injected directly into the abdominal cavity. But you and I likely won’t have access to that procedure.

It sounds to me like a protocol alternative doctors should check out.

Don’t make this mistake
with supplemental bromelain

The use of supplemental enzymes is becoming more popular in the U.S. But its roots go back more than 100 years to John Beard’s 1911 book, The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and Its Scientific Basis.

New York City Doctor Nick Gonzalez, an MD, has also written a book on using enzymes for cancer treatment. In fact, treating cancer with proteolytic enzymes of all kinds has a long pedigree and is one of the most popular alternative treatments.

I wrote about the work of Drs. Beard and Gonzalez, as well as other enzyme pioneers, in my Special Report The Missing Ingredient for Good Health. If I do say so myself, this is probably the best all-around introduction to enzymes for the layperson.

Bromelain is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a whole array of enzymes boasting a host of health benefits. They are among the best and safest anti-inflammatories – an ideal natural pain remedy.

When using proteolytic enzymes to treat cancer, alternative doctors say you shouldn’t take them with food, because they’ll act as digestive enzymes, and won’t work throughout your entire system. To get system-wide benefits, take them without food. Generally, it’s also recommended that a cancer patient take very large amounts of proteolytic enzymes.

Personally I don’t tolerate them well in such large doses, but from what I understand, other people have enjoyed success with this protocol. But there’s a more pleasant approach than taking huge numbers of enzyme pills: raw foods.

Raw foods are the most potent natural source of enzymes. In their unprocessed state, fruits and vegetables are rich in these nutrients. In contrast, cooked and processed foods, whether organic or not, contain few enzymes because heat destroys or denatures these long, complex molecules. If we all ate enough raw foods we might not need the supplements, but in this age of processed and fast food, most people don’t consume enough enzymes.

Notch your health upwards by trying to fill 75 to 80 percent of your daily diet with raw organic foods – these contain plenty of enzymes and fewer pesticides and herbicides. Juicing your vegetables and pineapple cores is a good way to increase the amount of nutrients and enzymes entering your system.

Whole raw foods are better than pills for another reason: Besides enzymes they contain a whole treasure house of other nutrients you won’t find in pills. Many of these nutrients haven’t even been identified, named and studied yet. That means new ones are being discovered all the time.

But don’t wait for a journal article to come out. You can reap the benefits of these unknown nutrients now – just by eating raw, unprocessed foods.

The more raw foods you eat, the more enzymes and other phytonutrients you provide for healthy internal functions – from digestion to fighting cancer, and many things in between. And the more enzymes you have – in excess of what you need to digest your food -- the better these nutrients can perform the other health and regenerative functions you need.

As an additional bonus, you may discover the “fix” for the extra pounds you were going to lose “someday.”

Kindest regards,

Lee Euler, Publisher

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